Trust. Expertise. Quality.

These are not just slogans; they describe our values and our daily work. The focus is on sustainability and making conscious decisions, especially when it comes to food. We have adhered to this for more than 30 years. All over Europe. We work with our suppliers as partners. At the same time, we have consistently aimed for the highest quality. In this way, we can trace where our products come from and guarantee safe raw materials for our customers.

You need. We act.

Corporate Philosophy



Trust is good, control is better.

As traders, we see it as our duty to know exactly where our products come from. 

Partners are selected with the utmost care – from raw material suppliers and logistics providers to our own team. Knowing that there is also a tomorrow, we pay attention to the highest quality in the products – in terms of rearing and processing. Respectful and sustainable handling of the product and the environment as well as appreciation of our employees, suppliers and customers are a top priority. At FW Trading, we live by these values and expect our partners to abide by them. That is why we rely on IFS and/or BRC-certified companies. We cultivate partnerships with the utmost care, honesty and genuine transparency.

Expertise –
We know what
we're doing.

The guarantee of competence is experience – and as a traditional company, we can provide this. We grow with our daily tasks and always keep our finger on the pulse. Our existence for more than three decades has made us a competent trading specialist that can react flexibly and quickly to customers’ requirements – from small orders to truckloads – thanks to a functioning, Europe-wide network and the corresponding know-how. In doing so, we rely on target- and time-oriented logistics and a resource- and environment-conscious transport system.

Quality –
Only the best
is good enough.

The quality of our goods depends on a wide variety of factors. We see it as one of our main tasks and core competencies to manage these variables optimally. To this end, we scrutinise our raw material suppliers, know the origin and provenance of our products and treat them with the appropriate respect. From procurement to delivery and beyond, the focus is always on quality, sustainability and fairness.

Our Products



The low fat and calorie content makes turkey meat indispensable for the health-conscious.

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The classic on all European menus suits every season.

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Only sustainable rearing gives that unique taste.

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Fancy a healthy change? Duck meat tastes good. And is catching on more and more.

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Customer Groups

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Pet Food
Pet Food
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commercial tonnage/year




All contacts on site

We place great emphasis on the personal touch. In times of digital communication, we don’t forget personal contact with our partners. We provide a personal service at our locations in Austria, Germany, Hungary and Poland. This means we are very close to the supplier, the raw material and the customer and can therefore fulfil customers’ wishes quickly and efficiently. We cultivate our relationships with care in a trusting, quality-conscious and competent way.


Kirchengasse 53
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee

Commercial Register No. 82345x
Registered office: Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
DPR no.:0074551
VAT ID No.: ATU36923406

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    Wir beziehen unser Putenfleisch vorwiegend aus Europa. Polen und Ungarn sind dabei unsere Kernbeschaffungsmärkte. Stets Qualität und Nachhaltigkeit im Fokus, kennen wir unsere Rohstofflieferanten.

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    Wir von FW Trading setzen bei den Lieferanten auf zertifizierte, europäische Qualitätsbetriebe. Von der Aufzucht bis zur Verarbeitung stehen Nachhaltigkeit und höchste Qualität stets auf dem Prüfstand.

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    Als Partner der FW Trading werden nur kontrollierte und zertifizierte Betriebe akzeptiert. FW Trading bietet seinen Kunden ausschließlich Produkte von Tieren, die keinem Lebendrupf und keiner Stopfmast ausgesetzt waren.

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    Entenfleisch ist eine hochwertige Alternative zu den sonstigen Geflügelfleischkategorien. Das Fleisch ist deutlich fett- und kalorienärmer als Gänsefleisch und erfreut sich zunehmender Beliebtheit. Wir von FW Trading beziehen das Rohprodukt aus Polen und Ungarn. FW Trading setzt auch hier ausschließlich auf zertifizierte Partner, die den Qualitätsansprüchen unserer Kunden gerecht werden.

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    Als eine der bedeutendsten Branchen versorgt die lebensmittelverarbeitende Industrie die Menschen mit hochwertigen und genussvollen Lebensmitteln. Wir von FW Trading tragen unseren Teil dazu bei. Denn Qualität beginnt beim Rohprodukt. Und das liefern wir den lebensmittelverarbeitenden Betrieben nach unseren strengen Standards – flexibel, schnell und sicher.

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    Das Geheimnis einer guten Küche? Kompetente Köch:innen und beste hochwertige Fleischqualität! Als verlässliche Partner des Gastro-Großhandels wissen wir, was Köch:innen erfolgreich macht. Deshalb bieten wir eine Sortimentsliste, die auf Qualität und raschen Lieferketten basiert.

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    Der Lebensmitteleinzelhandel ist für die tägliche Grundversorgung verantwortlich. Diese herausfordernde Aufgabe braucht verlässliche Partner. Deshalb garantieren wir schnelle und sichere Lieferketten zu bester Qualität.

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    Als erfahrener Sourcing-Partner greifen Trader auf FW Trading zu. Europäische Trader schätzen das von FW Trading aufgebaute Lieferantennetzwerk. Vor allem Saisonartikel, Sonderzuschnitte und Spezialartikel finden den Weg durch FW Trading zu den von Tradern vermittelten, neuen Absatzkanälen.

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    Fakt ist, dass Haustiere einen immer wichtigeren Stellenwert in unserer Gesellschaft einnehmen. Fakt ist auch, dass wir von FW Trading die besten Rohstoffe für die Tiernahrung bieten. Mit unserer langjährigen Erfahrung sind wir der ideale Partner für die Bereitstellung von hochwertigen Geflügelfleischrohstoffen für Ihren Pet-Food-Betrieb!

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    The fact is that pets are playing an increasingly important role in our society. It is also true that at FW Trading we offer the best raw materials for pet food. With our long-standing experience, we are the ideal partner for providing high-quality poultry raw materials for your pet food business!

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    As an experienced sourcing partner, traders turn to FW Trading. European traders appreciate the supplier network we have built up. Above all, seasonal articles, special cuts and special articles find their way through FW Trading to the new sales channels provided by traders.

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    The food retail trade is responsible for our everyday basic needs. This challenging task requires reliable partners. That’s why we guarantee top quality, fast and secure supply chains.

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    The secret of good cuisine? Competent chefs and the best quality meat! As reliable partners of the wholesale catering trade, we know what makes chefs successful. That's why we offer an assortment list based on quality and fast supply chains.

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    As one of the key sectors, the food-processing industry provides people with high-quality and enjoyable food. At FW Trading, we are doing our bit. Quality starts with the raw product, and that is what we supply to food-processing companies in line with our strict standards - flexibly, quickly and safely.

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    Duck meat is a high-quality alternative to the other poultry meat categories. The meat is significantly lower in fat and calories than goose meat and is becoming increasingly popular. At FW Trading, we source the raw product from Poland and Hungary. Here, too, FW Trading relies exclusively on certified partners who meet the quality requirements of our customers.

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    Only controlled and certified companies are accepted as partners of FW Trading. FW Trading only offers its customers products from animals that have not been subjected to live plucking or force-feeding.

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    At FW Trading, we rely on certified, European quality companies for our suppliers. From breeding to processing, sustainability and maximum quality are monitored continuously.

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    We source our turkey meat mainly from Europe. Poland and Hungary are our core procurement markets. Always focusing on quality and sustainability, we know our raw material suppliers.

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